
What is the treatment?

Non-surgical treatments

Here we can find mesotherapy injections (lipolytic agents), carboxytherapy, shockwave ultrasound, radiofrequency, presotherapy, cryotherapy. These are techniques that are mainly used in aesthetic medicine for cellulitis; however, no scientific base relies for lipedema treatment.

Surgical treatments

Water assisted liposuction (WAL) technique offers a low aggressive and highly effective treatment.

Other liposuction techniques such as laser or ultrasound are heat based, this may theoretically worsen the inflammatory condition of Lipedema and this is why they are not recommended.

Lo importante de estas técnicas radica en que sea realizada por personas debidamente cualificas y dentro de equipos multidisiciplinares.

It is really important to highlight that not all patients require surgical treatment. A competent physician should evaluate each case independently and according to signs and symptoms provide the best care.

Early post operative time of anterior reductive surgery

Early post operative time of posterior reductive surgery